Dump the party that made Australia the # 3 most likely terrorist target in
the world by invading Iraq illegally when Howard inserted his penis into
GWB's arse.
0) http://www.southwestslutbags.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=993
1) (On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Howard
2) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=18117
3) That's OK, I Wasn't Using My Civil Liberties Anyway
4) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=18105
5) If You Want a Nation Ruled By Religion, Move to the USA
6) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=18123
7) You Can't Be Pro-War And Pro-Life At The Same Time
8) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=18099
9) Of Course It Hurts: You're Getting Screwed by an Elephant
10) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=18096
11) John Howard: Creating the Terrorists Our Kids Will Have to Fight
14) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=18093
15) They Call Him "W" So He Can Spell It
16) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=18090
17) Which God Do You Kill For?
18) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=18087
19) No, Seriously, Why did we Invade Iraq?
20) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=18073
21) Howard: God's Way of Proving Intelligent Design is Full of Crap
22) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=10864
23) Bad PM! No Banana.
24) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=2256
25) We Need a President Who's Fluent In At Least One Language
26) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=15065
27) We're Making Enemies Faster Than We Can Kill Them
28) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=17046
29) Rich Man's War, Poor Man's Blood
30) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=16785
31) Is It Vietnam Yet?
32) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=11834
33) Howard Doesn't Care About White People, Either
34) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=3259
35) Where Are We Going? And Why Are We In This Handbasket?
36) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=9177
37) You Elected Him. You Deserve Him.
38) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=12916
39) Frodo Failed. Howard Has the Ring.
40) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=16048
41) Impeach Costello First
42) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=2743
43) Dump the Liberal Party at all Australian Federal Erections!
44) http://www.southwestslutbags.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=53
45) Tell the Lebs to Fuck off!
46) http://www.technotranceravesex.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=15882
47) Stick the Free Trade Agreement down the sewer where it belongs
48) http://www.southwestslutbags.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=1196
PlainBill Hicock uses Bombs that go TickTock to destroy US warships
Sheik Yerbhouti - the popular ambassador to Australia of the Arab Royal States
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